عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2020
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Education is the first building block for the advancement of any nation, so if a country wants to advance and rise, then it must first start with the education system and set a plan for its development. We have in Japan the largest example of the impact of science on the country's development and advancement. Japan has emerged from the Second World War in a bad situation in all fields. It did not give in to the fait accompli and its leadership was directed towards only one plan that was its way to restore Japan's health and even put it in the ranks of The developed countries and their occupation rank especially among the technically advanced countries, and that was the way to build the Japanese citizen and care for the education system, by setting an integrated plan for the advancement of it, and that was sufficient for the advancement of Japan and its progress to become what it is now, to become Japan's model in education Proof Talking about the impact of education on m...
مقال عن الارهاب
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Terrorism God Almighty created the Earth and made man in it for its architecture and the establishment of good in it, and mounting human instinct to good and not encroaching on the rights of others and intimidating them, but the human soul is dragged a lot to the rule of Satan, and manipulates it, so he makes the person terrify his brother and infringes on his right to life, and on His money, offer and debt, and this is what is called in the modern term the term terrorism. Terrorism and its blatant encroachment on the safety of the safe and intimidating their lives, represents a state of the hidden barbarism that is sometimes covered by a religious nature in order to hide the nakedness of their actions, so they claim that they are kapon that killing others is in the name of religion, but religion is innocent of them, for God Almighty has not been granted to anyone the right to rob The lives of others or the infringement of others, even if he disagrees with him in religion or in race...
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ايساي للقصة عشان لو عمل زي العربي Gulliver is the main character. He was born on a farm in England. He was studied medicine at cambridge university. He graduated worked with Mr.Bates who was a surgeon. Gulliver admired sailing and wanted to explore the world. Mr.Bates helped him to find called Anthelope which sank and gulliver was the only one who was alive. He swam to the island of lilliput. When he got up , he found himself tied to the ground. The tiny people of lilliput gave him food and drink. He fell asleep, so they carried him to the capital city. Gulliver was chained so as not to escape. Gulliver asked the king to set him free. Later, the king agree but on some conditions. The king asked gulliver to fight with them against Blefascu, Gulliver agree and got the fleet of Blefusecue. However, the king became too ambitious and asked Gulliver to help disagreed and decided to run away to Bleffuscue where and decided to run away to Bleffuscue where he was welcomed. The king of Bleff...